
have to be found out and tested. She listed up to about 20, and then I went to my office to type up my notes. Unexpectedly, the computer was not working, so I had to wait until someone from the IT department came to fix it. Typical. Maybe I should ...

China doesn't need to ask to be praised… because we have seen these concrete things that should be appreciated. 中国不用要求我们表扬……因为他们在做的实实在在的事情,我们亲眼见到,应该予以表扬。 谭德塞摆事实、讲道理,10分钟的发言如同一篇演讲,酣畅淋漓。

更多内容请点击:“中国逼着你们表扬?”记者挑衅发问,WHO总干事的回答太帅了! 推荐文章